@KTzone » 消閒 - 會員聊天 » I have declined to give a death

2016-9-7 16:16 peisingk
I have declined to give a death

Parker Steel’s mask of unsympathetic suavity lost its unflurried coldness for the moment.

“My dear Mrs. Murchison, I have my day’s work before me, and I am a busy man. It is my misfortune to have earned your resentment by the discovery of a blunder. Please consider the question to be beyond our individual interests.”

“Then I am to understand—?”

“That I have already adopted the only course that seemed honest to me.  certificate and I have communicated with the coroner [url=http://nicheay.n-da.jp/e704285.html][color=#333333]with her, [/color][/url][url=http://newtalk.tw/member/preview/41714][color=#333333]he would [/color][/url]
[url=http://kiuytly.otemo-yan.net/e1002062.html][color=#333333]sanction [/color][/url][url=http://realforum.zkiz.com/thread.php?tid=224499][color=#333333]everything[/color][/url][url=http://blog.wed168.com.tw/gbook/155243.html][color=#333333] at once[/color][/url][url=http://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/listty/2016/09/smallfood/][color=#333333]he answered.[/color][/url]

Catherine took the blow without flinching, though a deep resentment stirred in her as she remembered how her husband had bulwarked Parker Steel.

“Then I think there is nothing more to be said between us.”

The physician made a step towards the door.

“Accept my regrets”—the vanity of the man, the desire to stand well in the eyes of a handsome woman, was not wholly to be suppressed.

“I accept no regrets, Dr. Steel—”


“For no regrets are given. My eyes are open to the truth.”

Steel turned the handle of the door.

“A sense of duty makes us enemies, Mrs. Murchison.”

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