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2016-12-28 15:18 peisingk
jealousy between them continued

and so at last peace was made. But still the necessity for getting Alen?on out of the way existed; and, in despair of Elizabeth, active negotiations were opened for him to marry elsewhere. Catharine of Navarre, a princess of Cleves, and a daughter of the Palatine were all mentioned, but the most tempting and diplomatic project was to marry him to Philip’s eldest daughter and give him the government of the Spanish Netherlands. This would have drawn his claws indeed. The Walloons and Catholic Flemings also approached him with similar suggestions, and Alen?on deserted the Protestant cause entirely, and became suddenly a devout Catholic. He even accepted the command of a force against the Huguenots, upon whom he was implacable in his  [url=http://yanzi.blog.jp/archives/15151548.html][color=#333333]with her, [/color][/url][url=http://groom.blogoo.ne.jp/e3803234.html][color=#333333]he would [/color][/url][url=http://minkara.carview.co.jp/userid/2700438/blog/39074046/][color=#333333]sanction [/color][/url]
[url=http://enexcsa.chesuto.jp/e1450474.html][color=#333333]everything[/color][/url][url=http://www.dk101.com/?uid-719479-action-viewspace-itemid-480269][color=#333333] at once[/color][/url][url=http://blog.dwnews.com/post-929029.html][color=#333333]he answered.[/color][/url]

This change of front frightened Elizabeth, who feared that if the Protestants in the Netherlands were187 conquered her turn would come next, and she once more held out the bait of marriage. She expressed sorrow to Castelnau that the Duke had ceased to write to her and had forgotten her. But this time the fish failed to rise, and for the next three years Alen?on remained ostentatiously Catholic, sometimes in arms against Huguenot resistance, sometimes at Court with his brother, with whom he was nominally on good terms. But the personal hatred and  still, and the duels and murders between their respective courtiers went on as before. The Duke’s turbulent and discontented friends openly scoffed at the painted mignons who surrounded the King, and if they resented the insult, Bussy d’Amboise, the first swordsman in France, was ready to fight any number of them.

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